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Coming out of Ramadan with 4 Brushed Upon Skills

By Dr. Hoda Khalil I am writing this closer to the end of Ramadan not specifically to celebrate the month, but rather to reflect on how one’s culture, upbringing, and overall lifestyle may affect their professional life. In Ramadan, Muslims stop eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset. Although recommended [...]

2023-06-27T12:11:37-04:00June 15, 2023|Stories|

Need of Women Technocrats in the Energy Sector

By Dr. Sarah Ansari Women’s empowerment has immensely contributed to and paid rich dividends for, the advancement of human civilization. As a woman engineer who has recently started venturing into the fascinating field of nuclear energy has realized a very dismal representation of women in the nuclear energy sector. Despite [...]

2023-06-22T15:07:26-04:00June 15, 2023|Stories|

Katherine Rasley

Katherine Rasley graduated from Minnesota State University-Mankato’s Iron Range Engineering (IRE) Program in 2016. While at IRE, she completed an Undergraduate Thesis in Hybrid Renewable Power Systems. Recognized as an Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher, Katherine presented at various events including: Students in St. Paul, Minnesota State Undergraduate Research Symposium, Minnesota State [...]

2023-04-17T10:15:26-04:00January 23, 2023|Stories|

Jyothi Ramaswamy

Jyothi Ramaswamy, Cyber Security Lead for Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, is an SME in the field of InfoSec and Cyber Security with more than 20 years of experience. Her areas of interests are Information Security, Governance, Risk Management and Compliance domains. Her association with IEEE started during her undergraduate student [...]

2023-04-17T10:12:19-04:00January 23, 2023|Stories|

Susana Lau

Susana Lau is a consultant in information technology with more than ten years of experience. Founder and Director of EtyaLab, a company focused on agile software development. She is also a consultant in e-commerce and entrepreneurship. She currently serves as president of the IEEE Panama Section (2023-2024) and volunteers at IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE). [...]

2023-04-17T11:24:34-04:00January 18, 2023|Stories|
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