Call For Contributions To IEEE WIE Newsletter
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is seeking your contributions to the monthly IEEE WIE Exchange Newsletter to share with the WIE community. We invite members to submit a short article or announcement that fits into the following categories:
- News items, conference announcements, etc.
- Brief articles – short, topical, news-oriented
- Award recognitions
- WIE Around the World – WIE Affinity Group activity and event reports
- WIE Member Profile – Learn more
- Member Resources
Newsletter Deadlines
Please submit your contributions to by the due dates indicated below.
2025 Newsletter Calendar
The WIE Newsletter is scheduled to go out monthly on the third Tuesday of each month.
Month | Content Due Date | Published |
January | 7 January | 21 January |
February | 4 February | 18 February |
March | 4 March | 18 March |
April | 1 April | 15 April |
May | 6 May | 20 May |
June | 3 June | 17 June |
July | 1 July | 15 July |
August | 5 August | 19 August |
September | 2 September | 16 September |
October | 7 October | 21 October |
November | 4 November | 18 November |
December | 2 December | 16 December |
Submit using this form
Please Note
By submitting a contribution to the IEEE WIE Exchange Newsletter, you are agreeing that the content submitted will be publicly available. IEEE Women in Engineering reserves the right not to publish all submitted content in the IEEE WIE Exchange Newsletter. WIE may also use submitted content in a future newsletter issue. Minor editorial changes and spelling corrections will be made. To establish the identity of contributors, your name and/or your group’s name may be published with your article or contribution. By submitting images to be used with your articles, you authorize WIE to use these images in our publications.
For questions, email