Student Branch Affinity Groups Overview
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) provides members with the opportunity to network at a local level through IEEE WIE Affinity Groups. Opportunities include coordinating events, mentoring, or serving as an officer. Currently, there are over 1100 WIE Affinity Groups worldwide that organize and host diverse activities including guest speakers, workshops, and/or seminars. If you are interested in volunteering with IEEE WIE, the best place to get started is with your local WIE Affinity Group. If there is no WIE Affinity Group in your area, you can start one in your Section or Student Branch by recruiting six other IEEE Members willing to be part of the WIE Affinity Group and then submitting a petition.
Contact your local WIE Affinity Group to discuss volunteer opportunities.
If there is no WIE Affinity Group in your area, you can start one in your Section or Student Branch by recruiting six other IEEE Members willing to be part of the WIE Affinity Group and then submitting a petition.
Benefits Of Forming A WIE Affinity Group
- Opportunity to network on a local level
- Get Free IEEE Web hosting
- Apply for funding for events and activities. (Request must be submitted and approved by the IEEE WIE Committee.)
- Option to announce local news and upcoming events in the IEEE WIE Newsletter. Send all postings to
- Free IEEE WIE promotional items for WIE Affinity Group events. Quantities are limited.
How To Form A WIE Affinity Group
Forming an Affinity Group is the best way to interact and share information with others with similar interests in your local area. You may submit a petition to form two types of Affinity Group formations:
To Form An Affinity Group
- Recruit six IEEE members willing to be part of the founding Affinity Group;
- Select someone to be responsible for the Affinity Group until the first meeting is held and the Officers are formally appointed;
- Obtain approval from your Section or Student Branch Executive Committee approval (an Affinity Group depends administratively and financially on the Section);
View the IEEE Geographic Unit Formation Policies and Petitions page for forms and information
Recruiting Volunteers For WIE Affinity Group
If you are interested in volunteering with IEEE WIE, the best place to get started is with your local WIE Affinity Group
IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) has a volunteer recruitment tool kit available. It has been developed to provide IEEE Units (Regions, Sections, Societies, Chapters, or Affinity Groups) with ideas for recruiting local IEEE members who may be interested in volunteering their time to help lead IEEE activities.