Got a question about WIE? Find a list of the most commonly asked questions below.

Get Involved with IEEE WIE

IEEE Members: If you are already an IEEE member, log in with your IEEE Account and add “IEEE Women in Engineering Membership“.

Non-Members: If you are not an IEEE member, join IEEE as a professional or student. You must be an IEEE member in order to become an IEEE WIE member. You can then add “IEEE Women in Engineering Membership” to your membership options.

IEEE WIE dues are US$25 annually and free to IEEE Student, Graduate Student, and Life Members.

IEEE Women in Engineering Members can meet colleagues with similar interests in promoting women in engineering and technology and participate in activities that support the IEEE WIE mission.

IEEE WIE offers a wide array of benefits and discounts to its members, including:

  • Discounted registration to the annual IEEE WIE International Leadership Conference, Leadership Summits, and other WIE events
  • Access to the award-winning IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine – – 2 issues/year
  • Access to the IEEE WIE Newsletter
  • WIE awards, scholarships, and travel grants
  • Participate in exclusive WIE contests
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Member Grade advancement support
  • Learn More

IEEE OU Analytics allows volunteer access to membership statistics.  Specific IEEE WIE membership statistics are available.  Each Section has a designated representative who has access to IEEE OU Analytics.  View the list of volunteer positions with access to IEEE OU Analytics.

Volunteers are an essential part of the IEEE organization, and IEEE WIE offers many ways to get involved.  Learn more about WIE volunteer opportunities.

No. Men are welcome and encouraged to join IEEE WIE to support the WIE mission.

No. A WIE membership is open for females and males in all STEM disciplines.

Affinity Group Management

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) provides members with the opportunity to network at a local level through IEEE WIE Affinity Groups. First, identify the group you would like to join by using the affinity group locator tool or student branch affinity group locator tool.

Find an Affinity Group closest to you and email the officer (s) by searching in the spreadsheet available below the locator tool. You may contact your local WIE Affinity Group to discuss volunteer opportunities

To form a WIE Student Branch Affinity Group, complete the Student Branch Affinity Group petition form and submit it to IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA). The faculty advisor is no longer required to be a IEEE WIE Member but must be an IEEE Member (of Member Grade or higher).

IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) will obtain the appropriate approvals and will notify you once the formation is completed.

To form a WIE Affinity Group, complete the Affinity Group Petition Form (DOC, 100KB) and submit it to MGA. MGA will obtain the appropriate approvals and will notify you once the formation is completed.

The IEEE Women in Engineering Committee (WIEC) encourages the development of local activities that are of educational and professional value to IEEE members and that increase the visibility of the IEEE WIE Affinity Group.  There is a limited amount of annual funding available to support such activities.

Newly established WIE Affinity Groups are eligible to request Initial Funding of up to US$200 in start-up funding the first year they have been established.

Established  WIE Affinity Groups are eligible to request Special Funding of up to US$400 for special projects.

Learn more about WIE funding opportunities.

IEEE provides free entity Web hosting which enables IEEE entities to develop, create, and maintain their own website on an IEEE host.

Yes. An Affinity Group Chair job description is available. Other Section and Sub-unit officer job descriptions are also available.

Please visit the Section and Subunit Officer Positions job descriptions for more information.

If there has been a change in officers, the name and member number of the new Affinity Group Chair needs to be sent to the IEEE using the Officer Confirmation Form.

Promotional Items

WIE offers promotional items for WIE Affinity Group events and activities to bring visibility to IEEE Women in Engineering.  Please note that quantities are limited and items should be supplemental to your primary source of promotional/items for your event.  Please view the Promotional Material Request Form for more details.

IEEE products such as banners, certificates, pins, and plaques are available through IEEE by completing the Recognition Products Order Form.


We welcome you to join the IEEE WIE Global Network in IEEE Collabratec™.

Stay current with the ever-growing community of women in STEM and take steps to promote change in the industry. Discuss the latest tech news, celebrate women’s technological achievements, and connect with professionals dedicated to the advancement of women. Debate hot topics about the challenges of women in STEM fields and how to overcome them. Unleash the best version of yourself!

IEEE Collabratec  is an online platform that allows women engineers, scientists, and educators from around the world to network, connect and collaborate with individuals from various technical backgrounds.

Recognition: Establish and promote your professional identity among your technical peers; with profile privacy control.

Networking: Access to 200,000+ fellow engineers and technologists from around the globe (includes verified IEEE members).

Knowledge Sharing: Engage in group and hot-topic community forums such as – Women in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, IoT, 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Cyberethics and more

One-stop Access: One-stop access to IEEE‘s extensive resources* and knowledge base including select IEEE Spectrum articles.
*Non-IEEE members have limited access.

IEEE Members and Society Affiliates: IEEE Member Directory, IEEE Mentoring Program, IEEE AuthorLab, direct certificates links, grade and volunteer badging, IEEE Membership forum and much more!

IEEE offers a wide range of learning, career enhancement, and employment opportunities for members within the engineering sciences, research, and other technology areas.  Visit the IEEE Career Resources page for a full list of career resources.

The IEEE Job Site gives employers the opportunity to recruit highly qualified, sought-after IEEE member candidates for open engineering and technology positions. Browse open positions.

Awards & Scholarships

Yes, self nominations are permitted.

IEEE Women in Engineering is pleased to offer pre-university, undergraduate, and graduate student scholarship opportunities. Please review eligibility rules to apply.

Scholarship applicants must show evidence of at least a 3.7 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.

The IEEE Frances B. Hugle and IEEE WIE International scholarship are only available to undergraduate students.

IEEE WIE may support applications for Senior Membership Grade. Complete the Senior Member Application Form and send it to:, copying

On the form, please complete all required fields (remember to be very specific with regard to significant performance). You can leave the nomination section blank (if you are requesting IEEE WIE’s assistance for a nomination) and this information will be completed after your information is reviewed by an eligible WIE member.

Also, on this form you can add your two additional references. If you need IEEE WIE’s assistance for references please leave this section blank and IEEE WIE will assist with finding references for you.

For additional information, visit the IEEE Senior Member Web page.

Applicants must be a WIE member in order to apply.


The IEEE WIE Travel Grant program provides grants for IEEE WIE members to attend and present at IEEE-sponsored conferences or IEEE WIE-sponsored events.

Visit our Grants page for more guidelines and more information.