The IEEE Women in Engineering Committee (WIEC) encourages the development of local activities that are of educational and professional value to WIE members and increase the visibility of women in the profession. To assist IEEE WIE Affinity Groups, the WIEC has a limited amount of yearly funding available to support such activities.
Start-Up/Initial Funding
WIE Affinity and Student Branch Affinity Groups who have not received initial funding before are eligible to request up to US$200 in initial funding.
Initial Funding Guidelines
- The limit of each funding request is up to US$200. Proposals must include details on how the funds will be used.
- Initial funding may be provided only once per group.
- Requests must be submitted by an affinity group officer.
- Requests must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the event.
- An activity report must be submitted 30 days after the conclusion of the event.
Special Funding
WIE Affinity Groups , WIE Student Branch Affinity Groups, and IEEE Societies are eligible to request up to US$400 in funding for special projects or activities that align with the mission and vision of IEEE WIE.
Special Funding Guidelines
- Groups may receive special funding only once per year.
- Past events are not eligible for funding.
- Requests must be submitted by an Affinity/Student Branch Affinity Group Chair, Vice-Chair, or WIE Society Representative.
- Meal costs may be included in the submission if the activity aligns with the mission and vision of IEEE WIE.
- Individual travel expenses (of any kind) will not be approved.
- An activity report must be submitted 30 days after the conclusion of the event. Failure to submit an activity report 30 days after the conclusion of the event will result in future requests not being awarded for one year.
- Funding will be provided after the activity is held and upon receipt of the activity report.
- The activity report may be published in WIE publications and/or social media platforms. Activity report should include a one-page summary (Word format) and image files (.JPG) image files. Please do not embed images in the report.
IEEE Activities With Children
IEEE is committed to providing an enriching experience and safe environment for all children who participate in IEEE programs and activities, throughout the myriad of educational programs, STEM projects and related opportunities. If you currently participate in IEEE programs that involve working with children, or plan to do so, you must first visit the IEEE Activities with Children page to complete requirements.