
Application Deadlines

Please refer below to the deadline schedule for 2025 events.

A special funding request must be submitted by the WIE Affinity Group or Student Branch Affinity Group Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, or WIE Society Representative by using the special funding form below.

For questions about special funding, contact wie-funding@ieee.org.

Your Activity Report must be submitted within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the activity. Instructions for submitting the activity report will be provided upon confirmation that your request was approved.

Funding will be provided after the activity is held and upon receipt of the activity report.

Application Deadlines for 2025 Events

December 1, 2024 – January and February events
January 1, 2025 – March events
February 1, 2025 – April events
March 1, 2025 – May events
April 1, 2025 – June events
May 1, 2025 – July events
June 1, 2025 – August events
July 1, 2025 – September events
August 1, 2025 – October events
September 1, 2025 – November events
October 1, 2025 – December events

All special funding applications will be reviewed by the WIE Special Funding Subcommittee and in accordance with the following rubric:

Each statement will be rated on a scale of 1 -5 (1= strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree)

  • The event’s purpose is clearly defined and aligns with the WIE’s mission to connect, support, and inspire women and girls worldwide, and facilitate their recruitment and retention in STEM fields, fostering technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
  • The budget for the event is sufficiently detailed and well organized as well as is reasonable and justified based on the proposed activities.
  • The event has a well–thought-out timeline and schedule of activities. The proposal demonstrates it has moved beyond the brainstorming phase and has progressed into a concrete development stage.
  • The event has the potential to make a significant impact on its intended audience.