Dear Members,
Welcome to our October IEEE WIE Newsletter.

Thanks for exercising your right in the 2023 IEEE Annual Election. The 2023 IEEE Annual Election results are now public
A complete list of 2023 IEEE Annual Election results can be found on the 2023  IEEE Election website including the result for 2024 IEEE WIE Committee Chair-Elect. Please note that the results are unofficial until the IEEE Board of Directors accepts the Report of the IEEE Tellers Committee at its meeting on 19-20 November 2023.

IEEE WIE Membership and AG StatusThere were 36,703 WIE Members as of September 2023, a 14.6% increase in WIE membership Year-over-Year (YoY). There are 1,202 WIE Affinity Groups and WIE Student Branch Affinity Groups as of September 2023.

IEEE WIE Sept 2023 Stats

Inaugural IEEE MGA Mini Series

The Inaugural IEEE MGA Mini Series was held at the Hyatt Regency during 28 September- 1 October 2023, Baltimore Inner Harbor, MD, USA. I as Chair of IEEE WIEC attended the meeting, engaged in discussions and presented as per the following agenda.
MGA Operations Committee Meeting
1. The motion for MGA Operations Manual Changes to Section 4.21 IEEE Women in Engineering was passed
2.The discussion on IEEE Women in Engineering Family Cares Grant was well received.

IEEE Member Engagement and Life Cycle Committee Meeting
1. The motion for IEEE Women in Engineering Family Cares Grant was passed.
2. The discussion for IEEE WIEC Chair-Elect Candidate Selection was well received

A Recap of Important IEEE WIE Happenings

The ad hoc committee for the future of IEEE WIE international Leadership Conference (ILC) is brainstorming and making good progress through a series of meetings. The adhoc committee is expected to deliver an update to IEEE WIE committee by the end of this year.

IEEE WIE International Leadership Summits (ILS) at Karachi, Pakistan and Allahabad, India were held recently. They have designed exciting tracks, such as creating awareness among women about IEEE standards. Please join the IEEE WIE ILS closest to you for professional advancement and networking with role models and peers (

IEEE WIE ‘s participation in IEEE STEM Summit

As a part of collaboration between IEEE WIE and IEEE EAB Pre-University Education Coordination Committee (PECC), IEEE WIE has coordinated a Girls in STEM Panel for the IEEE STEM Summit, 24-27 October 2023. Moderator is Keeley Crockett (IEEE WIE Education/Outreach Subcommittee Co-Chair and panelists are Karen Panetta (IEEE WIE Past Chair), Naomi Adel, Dishita Naik, and Elisa Torres Durney. For details, Please visit the link

Other Collaborations
IEEE WIE is currently collaborating with IEEE HTB/SIGHT, IEEE Life Members Committee and IEEE Foundation. We are working on collaboration opportunities with IEEE REACH, IEEE HKN, IEEE MOVE, IEEE Future Directions Committee, IEEE Technical Activities Board, IEEE Smart Village and IEEE Standards Association.

Ada Lovelace Day Motivational Quote Campaign

October 10th, Ada Lovelace Day (ALD), was an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). IEEE WIE requested its global committee members to share a motivational quote on the Ada Lovelace Day (ALD). IEEE WIE disseminated the quotes on Ada Lovelace via social media from 10 (based on the on the number of submissions) diversified women experts around the world beginning October 4th. Thanks to all who contributed to the campaign and supported it.

IEEE WIE ‘s participation in IEEE Foundation LinkedIn Poll Contest

IEEE WIE is a proud partner and doner supported program of IEEE foundation’s 50th anniversary celebration under Future pillar. The IEEE Foundation has executed LinkedIn polls during October 2023. IEEE WIE Program (doner supported program) was selected by the IEEE Foundation Board as one of the IEEE Programs to be featured as part of the poll. Since the Engage and Future Pillar have fewer programs, programs under these two pillars were combined into a single poll to participate in the contest (IEEE Life Members, IEEE TechEthics, IEEE History Center, IEEE Women in Engineering). It was declared that among the four programs, the Program with the most votes by 25th October at 9 am ET will receive a $5,000 grant (ties will be split evenly). IEEE WIE solicited votes from its members and non members in linden through email and social media to exercise vote and help IEEE WIE win. Thanks to all who supported the program and shared it to their networks seeking votes for IEEE WIE.

Future IEEE WIE Events/Competition
IEEE WIE Climate Tech Big Idea Pitch Competition

Theme: Climate Change and Environmental SustainabilityThis competition , Sponsored by IEEE Life Members Committee and SmartWTI, is designed to motivate female students and young researchers to proactively address the challenges of climate change through translational research to develop entrepreneurial and business mindsets.
The announcement of finalists: October 30, 2023 and finalist Presentations: November 7, 2023: Regions 1-9 (8:00 am-9:00 am CST) and Region 10 and Pacific Time Zone (7:00 pm – 8:00 pm CST)
Top 3 Awards: Best Innovation Pitch: $300, Best Impact Pitch: $300, Best Transformative Business Idea: $300
Additional Awards: Best Spotlight Pitch: $200, Best Step Ahead Pitch: $200
Thanks to 57 teams who have submitted their initial proposals.

IEEE WIE International leadership Summit Call for 2024

The “IEEE WIE ILS 2024 Proposals Submissions Tutorial” and “Marketing and Visual Identity Guidelines” video was created and posted on the WIE Website for helping the interested organizer to submit good proposals by October 20, 2023. Thanks to IEEE WIE Staff for this amazing effort.


For the forum USA East happening from October during 26-28, 2023 in Pittsburgh, please visit website including the final Schedule and the downloadable full Program Book.

As IEEE WIE Chair, I will be providing a keynote (opening remarks),
IEEE WIE Regional Representatives will be holding an IEEE WIE regional meet and greet networking event (funded by the MGA Surplus Funds secured by IEEE WIE) )for the Affinity Group Chairs and WIE members from Regions 1, 2, and 3 who will be in attendance at the event. The event will focus on capacity building and experience sharing.
IEEE WIE will be presenting the IEEE Women in Technology and Leadership Award to Noel Schulz.
250 registrations are confirmed and there will be about 25 exhibitor and career fair tables.

Thank you all for your extraordinary contributions to IEEE WIE!

Celia Shahnaz