Dear Members,
I welcome you to 2023 with great courage, aspirations, plans, and goals. I feel proud of our enormous efforts to get back to normal overcoming the effects of COVID.
It is my honor to be the first IEEE WIE Chair-Elect 2022 elected by the global WIE membership. This election was historical for IEEE WIE as it coincided with its 25th Anniversary in 2022. I thank each one of you for your tremendous support and express my sincere gratitude for providing me with an opportunity to serve as your IEEE WIE Chair for 2023-24. I request all of you to convey my message of welcome to your networks to create stronger outreach and greater bonding.
I would also like to thank and congratulate our past Chair, Jenifer Castillo for leading IEEE WIE committee in an outstanding manner and ensuring a smoother transition for me.
This January, I had the amazing opportunity to interact with our directors and share WIE’s plans and priorities at the 2023 IEEE Board of Directors Strategic Retreat and Meeting in Paris. I am pleased to let you know that the Board is supportive of WIE’s focus and direction.
With over 22 years of experience as an IEEE volunteer in leading impactful technical, professional, educational, industrial, women empowerment, humanitarian, power and energy-related projects at national/international levels, I also founded the IEEE WIE Affinity Group of IEEE Bangladesh Section. So being the IEEE WIE Chair is not only a joy for me, but also a huge responsibility. I look forward to sharing new ideas for more volunteer engagements and other impactful programs to enhance the careers of WIE members from diversified IEEE regions.
My interview was published in the award winning IEEE WIE Magazine, June 2022 Issue. I hope that you will find some time to read and reach out to me for guidelines, suggestions and cooperation.
As a team, we are putting efforts into preparing a strategic agenda to produce the best possible outcome by nurturing the potential of our volunteers and members. We want to ensure their retention and growth as well as enhance their experience and satisfaction so they can prepare themselves to be part of the IEEE WIE leadership and beyond in future.
To reach the goals, apart from supporting ongoing initiatives, our priorities and objectives will be geared towards IEEE WIE Affinity Group development and retention. During 2023-24, we will focus on the realization of WIE Pledge to promote diversity and inclusion, engagement of WIE in climate change assessments and sustainability solutions. We plan to be more involved with IEEE technical Societies, WIE Regional and Society Coordinators, Young Professionals (YP), Life Members (LM), HKN, and Standards.
We foresee: more collaboration with IEEE Philanthropic Opportunities; diligently continuing to promote women scientists’ technical contributions; more IEEE WIE Fellow and Senior Member elevation drives; nominations of IEEE WIE members for external awards and positions, and stronger outreach through STAR Programs.
Volunteer driven programs will be our target for capacity building of WIE members who are our strength and future leaders. If you are a voting member, please do not forget to exercise your right this year to vote for the IEEE WIE chair-elect 2024.
In 2023, I am excited to promote IEEE WIE’s mission and vision around the world with our amazing team. This journey supported by you and especially by my family, is priceless for me and inspires me in my future endeavors. Let us keep supporting and collaborating with each other to serve the greater goals.
Please join an Instagram Live Q & A with me on March 7th at 9 am EST.
Celia Shahnaz
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