The IEEE Frances B. Hugle Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Frances B. Hugle, her many significant engineering accomplishments, and to help provide the resources for female engineers to follow in her footsteps. The scholarship is presented to up to two female IEEE Student Members who have completed two years of undergraduate study in an engineering curriculum at an ABET-accredited university or college within the United States.
2021 Scholarship Recipients
Chelsea Walters, IEEE Student Member
“Argue for your limitations and, sure enough, they’re yours.” ― Richard Bach.
My name is Chelsea Walters and I am from Kingston, Jamaica. I am an undergraduate student at Kettering University and I am currently in my senior year of Industrial Engineering. In my professional life, I’ve worked as a Manufacturing Engineer where I work on various projects geared towards improving existing Engineering processes. I am passionate about the quote above because it is no secret that multicultural women are underrepresented in the STEM industry. I however believe that it should not be seen as a limitation, but instead, as a beacon sending a message that there is a void that needs to be filled. I am here today because I saw that beacon and the chance to do my part in filling the void. I am currently at Kettering because I believe that education is a key path through which knowledge can be obtained and personal and societal growth be made possible. I chose Industrial Engineering because I am passionate about sustainability and I strongly believe that sustainability can only be achieved if it is in the forefront of your mind and not an afterthought and the end of the process. Through becoming an
Industrial Engineer I am positive that I can work as an “Advocate for Sustainability” that ensures that limitations are surpassed so that optimal efficiency can be achieved.
The IEEE Women in Engineering committee takes pleasure in presenting Chelsea Walters as the 2021 recipient of the Frances B. Hugle Scholarship, in recognition of her outstanding academic performance and passion for engineering.