

Riko-chan: Avengers of the Power Grid

Orikou! Riko-chan Author: Aditie Garg Why do we not run out of electricity even when we all use AC on hot days? Would Riko-chan know the answer? IEEE WIE Members: FREE Non-Members: FREE Note: Manga comics are read from the right frame to the left frame and from top [...]

2025-01-20T11:15:50-05:00October 3, 2024|2024 Manga Stories|

IEEE Women in Engineering & TryEngineering Call for Hands-On Activities

IEEE WIE and TryEngineering are seeking inspiring hands-on activities developed by WIE Members, to share on the TryEngineering website. These resources will equip other volunteers and educators around the globe, enriching their STEM outreach programs for school-aged children in classroom settings or online learning. Submission Evaluation: The hands-on [...]

2024-06-10T13:11:20-04:00May 8, 2024|Special Events/Contests|

Riko-chan and Bruno: Barking Up The STEM Tree

Orikou! Riko-chan Authors: Karen Galuchie, Prachi Jain STEM Savvy Riko-chan has a fascinating conversation with Bruno, IEEE Foundation Chief Canine. IEEE WIE Members: FREE Non-Members: FREE Note: Manga comics are read from the right frame to the left frame and from top to the bottom. DOWNLOAD PDF IN [...]

2025-01-15T13:12:36-05:00March 8, 2024|2023 Manga Stories|

Riko-chan: Life of our Beautiful Earth

Orikou! Riko-chan Author: Maira Ratnarajah What does Riko-chan do to help reduce the carbon footprints for a healthier earth? IEEE WIE Members: FREE Non-Members: FREE Note: Manga comics are read from the right frame to the left frame and from top to the bottom. DOWNLOAD PDF IN ENGLISH [...]

2025-01-03T09:08:48-05:00February 27, 2024|2023 Manga Stories|

Riko-chan: Motion Detected

Orikou! Riko-chan Author: Julia Griffin What does Riko-chan do to help mitigate the probability of accidents? IEEE WIE Members: FREE Non-Members: FREE Note: Manga comics are read from the right frame to the left frame and from top to the bottom. DOWNLOAD PDF IN ENGLISH DOWNLOAD PDF IN [...]

2025-01-03T09:25:13-05:00January 26, 2024|2023 Manga Stories|
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