Mentoring in Region 8
The Region 8 (R8) WIE Mentorship Program is an event exchange program, where a successful event in one IEEE Section is replicated in another Section. The program started when R8 WIE members saw successful events in the Sections, and asked the R8 WIE Committee to provide assistance and connect them with the organizers of the events. In 2017, two Skype calls were held between the WIE Affinity Group Chairs of the IEEE Sections of Lebanon, Tunisia, and Jordan. The aim was to replicate an event for refugee girls that was conducted in Lebanon. This has been the only event produced from the WIE R8 Mentoring Program so far. The “how” of this program is not pre-defined. Members should feel free to adapt the program to their own regional needs. IEEE WIE R8 offers their know-how to support the countries of other regions in setting up this program. In case of interest, please contact the WIE R8 team.
The impact so far has been sharing experiences and strengthening ties between WIE members across IEEE Sections. Success happens when an event is replicated in another Section.