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STB Days

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The Student Branch Day 2023 (STB DAY 2023) is the second edition of the French student branch officer boot camp. Organized by the Lille student branch and ISEP student branch, this event aims to create a strong community of officers who can collaborate and support each other. Agenda: Tuesday 23rd 14h – Welcoming Session 14h30 – Student Branch Presentation (10 minutes + 5 minutes questions) 17h30 – Visit of Lille 18h30 – Access to hotel 19h00 – Social Event Friday 24th 8h30 – Welcoming Coffee 9h00 – IEEE Q&A – Administration of a Student Branch – Tools – (VTools, eNotice, Officer Reporting) – How to start a student branch? – How to start a chapter? – Funding (DL Program, Example funding request CAS and SSCS) – Communication – How to communicate on social media? – Creating a community, example of IEEE Day – Presentation of Lille IEEE STB Podcast 10h30 – Coffee Break 10h45 – WIE Presentation – What is WIE – How to start an affinity group? – How to fund your WIE events? – France application to WIE ILS, we need you !! 12h00 – Millestone Program R8 – by Claire Lajoie-Mazenc 12h30 – CASDEN 12h45 – Lunch 14h00 – YP Presentation by Emna Amri, Kevin Herisse and Arthur Vervaet – How YP can help student branches? – SYP Grenoble 2024 15h00 – Result of the election of the student rep at IEEE France Comex 15h30 – End of the day Room: Co-working, Bldg: Junia ISEN, 41 Boulevard Vauban, Lille, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France, 59000

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