
Webinar – Women in Engineering and Humanitarian Activities for Empowering Communities

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IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) & IEEE Smart Village (ISV) with support from the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES).
This webinar aims to create awareness and take action to empower individuals to engage in activities that promote access to clean green energy and healthy living in the most efficient and sustainable way possible.

Presenter – Dr. Morgan Kiani, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES)in the IEEE Smart Village (ISV).

About Dr. Kiani:

Dr. Kiani represents the Industrial Electronics Society (IES)in the IEEE Smart Village (ISV). She is an active member of the IEEE Smart Village Governing Leadership Board. She serves as a project coordinator through IEEE Smart Village with her outreach initiative in the IEEE IES society as well.  She intends to take action for the UN – Sustainable Development Goals through her work. Her research and her activities reach beyond publications and touch humanity.

Dr. Kiani believes the collaboration between IES/IEEE Societies and other IEEE humanitarian groups/ISV, encourages IEEE members to work towards one goal in the most efficient and sustainable way possible. She believes such activities help make IEEE relevant to the Global Community. She would like to invite WIE members to join her humanitarian activities and to take an active role in reaching the UN-Global Goals.



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