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Join us on October 17, 2023 at 1900hrs, for an insightful session on PCB Design facilitated by Mr. Paul Kamau, a specialist from GearBox Europlacer. Explore the world of printed circuit board design and gain valuable insights from an industry expert. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and connect with fellow enthusiasts. Paul Kamau’s professional journey reflects a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of embedded systems and electronics engineering. His current role as an Embedded Systems Design Lead Engineer at Gearbox Europlacer, which he has held since January 2023, showcases his deep involvement in electronics hardware design, digital electronics, firmware design, C and Python programming languages, HDL design, PCB fabrication, printed circuit board (PCB) design, team leadership, and project management. His work as a Lead Embedded Engineer from January to April 2023 at Gearbox further exemplifies his dedication to his craft. Speaker(s): Paul Virtual:

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