
IEEE Seattle Section Picnic & BBQ

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Join us at the IEEE Seattle Wide Picnic and BBQ members, families, and friends at Idylwood Park Shelter. This event is organized by the Young Professionals affinity group. Please register to attend with the link above. Registration is $5 per person (members and non-members). The money will be used for door prizes and fun giveaways. Everyone must register so we have an accurate headcount. Idylwood Park Shelter has been reserved for our use. About the event: This event is for all IEEE members, non-members, families, and friends. Please register above. The YP Affinity group will be firing up the BBQ so lunch will be provided. There will be games for adults and children. IEEE senior membership references can be met at the picnic to discuss the process from 12.30 AM to 1.30 PM. Use the link below to register for the event. Register & Pay $5/person here. For event information please contact: Tony Hua-Wong 206-327-3041 (text/call) ( Co-sponsored by: Seattle University Student Chapter Speaker(s): Urvish Panchal Agenda: Agenda – 10am – YP Committee Members meet and start preparing food and games – 11am – IEEE Members & non-members arrive enjoy the picnic – 11.30am Meet with senior Member references – 12pm – Lunch prepared – 1pm – socializing, children games, volleyball/soccer etc 3650 West Lake Sammamish Pkwy NE, Idylwood Park, Redmond, Washington, United States, 98052

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