
IEEE Membership Drive

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IEEE Multimedia University of Kenya Student Branch and MUKESA would like to invite you to our official Info Session🤗 Come and get to know what IEEE is and the different Societies and Groups we have in MMU including: Power and Energy Society⚡ Computer Society🖥 Women in Engineering👩🏽‍🏭👩🏽‍🔧 Photonics Society💡 SIGHT✨ Date 📅: 15th September Time ⌚: 1:30 – 5:00 PM Venue 📍: Administration Hall Refreshments will be available🥂 Join us as we share and indulge together and build lasting connections😁 Co-sponsored by: Multimedia University of Kenya Engineering Students Association (MUKESA) Room: Administration Hall, Bldg: Administration Block, Rongai, Nairobi, Kenya

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