
How to write an effective research paper

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Are you finding the idea of writing a scientific research article a bit overwhelming? Take a deep breath – it’s not as challenging as it might seem at first glance. Developing the skill to conduct effective research is a must-have skill for both students and researchers. In this discussion, we’ll delve into the process of researching a topic thoroughly and explore techniques for presenting our ideas in a well-organized and scientifically meaningful manner. We’ll also uncover strategies for finding credible sources, citing papers properly, and choosing the perfect journal to showcase your work. I hope to distill my experiences into practical advice for crafting compelling and impactful research papers. Parking information can be found here: Speaker(s): Quynh Tran Room: 244, Bldg: Holmes Hall, 2540 Dole St, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, 96822

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