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Code To Cure 1.0

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In this collaboration with IEEE CIS esprit student branch , we are going to organize an AI hackathon “Code To Cure” ,as the first edition ,focused on applying technology and innovation to address challenges in healthcare. During the event, participants with diverse backgrounds in technology, healthcare, and life sciences come together to collaborate on developing solutions for specific health-related problems. . The AI Hackathon “Code To Cure” will take place over a period of 2 days. Participants will be divided into teams and tasked with developing an AI solution to a specific problem that will be presented at the beginning of the event. The teams will work under the supervision of experienced mentors who will help them refine their ideas and develop their solution. The judges will then evaluate the proposed solutions and reward the best teams. The event will also feature conferences and presentations by leaders in the AI industry, as well as networking sessions for participants and sponsors. Coding Dojo Africa , Ariana , Tunisia, Ariana, Tunisia, 2080

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