
istic borj cedriya, ben arous, Ben Arous, Tunisia, 2084

Elections day 4

istic borj cedriya, ben arous, Ben Arous, Tunisia, 2084

On the fourth day of our 2024 SBC and SBAG elections, the focus shifted to the Women In Engineering (WIE) affinity group, where candidates took the opportunity to showcase their visions and proposals and each one of them presenting their plans for advancing the goals and aspirations of the affinity [...]

Elections day 4

istic borj cedriya, ben arous, Ben Arous, Tunisia, 2084

On the fourth day of our 2024 SBC and SBAG elections, the focus shifted to the Women In Engineering (WIE) affinity group, where candidates took the opportunity to showcase their visions and proposals and each one of them presenting their plans for advancing the goals and aspirations of the affinity [...]

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