

Humans of IEEE WIE – Celia Desmond

Humans of IEEE WIE highlights a dedicated WIE volunteer who is well known for his/her notable contribution to IEEE WIE. This issue, we feature Celia Desmond. IEEE WIE: Please give us a brief introduction about yourself and your family. Hi. I am Celia Desmond. I served as the Technical Activities [...]

2024-12-05T14:11:44-05:00December 5, 2024|Mentoring - Humans of IEEE WIE|

Humans of IEEE WIE – Jyotika Athavale

Humans of IEEE WIE highlights a dedicated WIE volunteer who is well known for his/her notable contribution to IEEE WIE. IEEE WIE: Please give us a brief introduction about yourself and your family. Hi! I grew up in Mumbai, India and then moved to the US for my graduate program [...]

2024-10-14T12:01:06-04:00October 14, 2024|Mentoring - Humans of IEEE WIE|

IEEE WIE Member, Pia Torres

Pía Torres -  Pia is an electronics engineer, social entrepreneur & change maker.  She also excels at project management, innovation, continuous improvement & works as a sustainability specialist. Pia works as a Roboteam initiative Manager. IEEE WIE Argentina Ed-Tech initiative to inspire STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) to [...]

2024-10-04T08:51:24-04:00October 4, 2024|Stories|
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