
Events for February 11, 2025


IEEE PEDG 2024 – 15th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems

Parc Hotel Alvisse, 120, route d'Echternach, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, L-1453

IEEE PEDG 2024 ( is proudly sponsored by the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) and coordinated by the PELS Technical Committee on Sustainable Energy Systems. PEDG 2024 promises a dynamic fusion of plenary speeches, tutorials, and meticulously curated technical sessions. These sessions will delve deep into the theory, analysis, design, [...]

Concurso WIE DAY 2024 Chile Centro


En el marco del WIE Day 2024, nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de un concurso extraordinario cuyo propósito es fomentar la participación y el liderazgo de mujeres en tecnologías emergentes de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial (4IR). Con el tema central "Engaging More Women in AI and 4IR Technologies", este concurso [...]

WIE Day Costa Rica


We cordially invite you to participate in the WIE Day event, a celebration dedicated to highlighting and honoring female talent in the field of technology and related areas. From June 23rd through July 12th, WIE CR, in collaboration with WIE UCR and WIE TEC, is proud to present a series [...]

Debunking Myths About Women’s Workplace Experiences and Career Advancement Based on the Latest McKinsey Reports


Webinar: "Debunking Myths About Women’s Workplace Experiences and Career Advancement Based on the Latest McKinsey Reports" ( will discuss the major myths about women’s workplace experiences and career advancement. A few of these myths cover old ground, but given the notable lack of progress, they warrant repeating. These include women’s [...]

Webinar: Debunking Myths About Women’s Workplace Experiences and Career Advancement Based on the Latest McKinsey Reports

Debunking Myths About Women’s Workplace Experiences and Career Advancement Based on the Latest McKinsey Reports. Discuss major myths about women’s workplace experiences and career advancement. These include women’s career ambitions, the greatest barrier to their ascent to senior leadership, the effect and extent of microaggressions in the workplace, and women’s appetite for flexible work.

Impulsando la innovación: el avance de la IA y 4IR en la región

Room: Auditorio de inglés, Bldg: J-2, Faculdad de Infromática, Electrónica y Comunicación, Panamá, Panama, Panama, 0000

El objetivo final es construir un futuro más inclusivo y equitativo en el ámbito de la IA, donde las mujeres tengan la oportunidad de contribuir plenamente a su desarrollo y aplicación. - Visibilizar el talento femenino en el área de la IA. - Promover la creación de redes de apoyo [...]

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