
Events for February 11, 2025


IEEE PEDG 2024 – 15th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems

Parc Hotel Alvisse, 120, route d'Echternach, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, L-1453

IEEE PEDG 2024 ( is proudly sponsored by the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) and coordinated by the PELS Technical Committee on Sustainable Energy Systems. PEDG 2024 promises a dynamic fusion of plenary speeches, tutorials, and meticulously curated technical sessions. These sessions will delve deep into the theory, analysis, design, [...]

Concurso WIE DAY 2024 Chile Centro


En el marco del WIE Day 2024, nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de un concurso extraordinario cuyo propósito es fomentar la participación y el liderazgo de mujeres en tecnologías emergentes de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial (4IR). Con el tema central "Engaging More Women in AI and 4IR Technologies", este concurso [...]

WIE Day Costa Rica


We cordially invite you to participate in the WIE Day event, a celebration dedicated to highlighting and honoring female talent in the field of technology and related areas. From June 23rd through July 12th, WIE CR, in collaboration with WIE UCR and WIE TEC, is proud to present a series [...]

Tour of Toyota Manufacturing Plant

1055 Fountain St N, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, ON N3H 4R7

Join the IEEE Hamilton Section Women in Engineering for an exciting tour of the Toyota Manufacturing Plant. This event offers a unique opportunity to see the inner workings of one of the world's leading automotive manufacturers. Attendees will learn about advanced manufacturing processes, innovative technologies, and the operational excellence that [...]

HAND'S ON ACTIVITIES WORKSHOP: WIEGraphics and Training on AITools!

Bldg: Computer Engineering Library, Dept. Of Computer Engineering, , Enugu State University of Science and Technology ESUT Agbami Enugu,Nigeria, Agbani, Enugu, Nigeria, 402004

In line with Women in Engineering Theme for this year's WIE Day titled: Engaging More Women in AI and 4IR Technologies . The event will feature two sessions; Training on Graphics and secondly training on Artificial Intelligence Tools. These sessions are meant to engage young women in the field of [...]

Every Day Engineers Celebrate Women in Engineering (WIE) Lunch and Learn Virtual


Every Day Engineers discuss their engineering roles, achievements, and how engineering has changed your own perspective on life. Additional discussions will identify obstacles that must be overcome for more women and minorities to enter the field along with real-world ways to reduce external barriers. Panel members: ( CEO Open Research [...]

DIA DE LA MUJER EN INGENIERÍA: mujeres conectando la industria y la biomédica

Room: Piso 3, Universidad Latina de Panamá, Salón de videoconferencias, Panamá , Panama, Panama

La idea central será resaltar cómo las mujeres están impulsando la convergencia de estas dos disciplinas para crear soluciones innovadoras que beneficien tanto a la industria como el sector biomédico y de la salud. el enfoque estaría en la integración de conocimientos y el trabajo interdisciplinario liderado por mujeres ingenieras. [...]

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