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IEEE WIE STUDENT BRANCH AFFINITY GROUP Bansal institute of engineering and technology, Lucknow is organising a seminar on “An initiative on safety, physical, economic security and political security of girls” in collaboration with IEEE SB BIET Lucknow. Women security means financial security and autonomy. Less dependence on men helps women take informed decisions and become less vulnerable to all forms of family violence. Women’s safety includes self-respect. Safe homes recognize rights, give due respect and love and empower their women. Women’s safety includes strategies and policies that are adopted to prevent crime or harassment before violence occurs. It is mandatory for companies/factories and any other establishment to ensure protection and penalties against sexual harassment, lack of proper facilities and hygiene. Bldg: BIET Building, NH-24 Sitapur road Behind Sewa hospital, Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

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