
Professional practice week in engineering surveying at the Gabcikovo hydropower plant co-organized by the Department of Geodesy of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

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Work schedule – task specification Field practice in geodesy and cartography – engineering geodesy Location: Gabčíkovo–Nagymaros barrage system, Bősi barrage Date: 2022 September 18 – 22. Sequence number Task Time requirement 1. Determination of vertical movements at selected points of the mine shaft located at an altitude of 95.8 m a) checking the stability of the base points and the vertical determination of movements at the observed points (height control points) using the Trimble DiNi12 geometric leveling method and using Zeiss NI007 leveling instrument (7 hours) b) calculation of elevation, height and vertical movement of the observed points (1 hour) c) analysis of the results (1 hour) 2. Control of the horizontal movement of the dam crown of the hydropower plant a) checking the stability of the base points and determining the horizontal movements at the observed points using the straight line measurement method using a Leica TS30 instrument (2 hours) b) determination of horizontal movements using the Lamanche method using a Leica TS30 instrument (1 hour) c) determination of horizontal movements using a Zeiss PZL 100 projector, (2 hours) d) calculation of the movement of the observed points (1 hour) e) analysis of the results. (1 hour) 3. Determination of the geometric parameters of the crane track and the gantry crane a) measurement of the track direction and height parameters of the overhead crane and the rail crane, which are located above the outflow object of the hydropower plant, (5 hours) b) calculation of the optimal rectification values, (1 hour) c) graphical representation of the direction and height parameters of the crane track. (1 hour) 4. Radar interferometry a) Dynamic movement analysis of the sluice embankment with a radar interferometer, (4 hours) b) Graphic representation, mathematical analysis and evaluation of the results (3 hours) Speaker(s): Alojz Kopacik, Erdélyi János, Peter Kyrinovic, Honti Richárd Nový rad, Gabcikovo, Slovakia, Slovakia, 930 05

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