June 23 is International Women in Engineering Day. https://www.inwed.org.uk/
Tokyo Shin-Etsu WIE will again hold a casual coffee break to commemorate this day.
We will not have a specific theme, so please feel free to discuss whatever you want and enjoy interacting with each other!
Non-WIE members are also welcome to join us.
Hope you can join us.
Date/Time: June 23, 2024 (Sun.) 14:00~15:00 JST (come/go freely anytime)
Place: Zoom (link to be sent to registrants prior to event)
Number of participants: no max
Registration form (deadline 6/22 12:00) to receive Zoom link info: https://forms.gle/jku6TY6WryYSwkgN7
Participation fee: free
1) Self-introductions
2) Coffee break & talk
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/424036

This event has passed.