Optical frequency combs, with their unique features in both the time and frequency domains, have transformed precision science and engineering over the last two decades. In this lecture, I will present on the latest progress in the ultralow-noise frequency combs and their applications with an emphasis on precision timing, synchronization, and microwave/mm-wave photonics. Both mode-locked laser combs and chip-scale micro-combs can reach quantum-limited timing jitter performances, which allows for various timing applications with unprecedented precision. I will present innovative comb timing applications including attosecond optical timing, on-chip clock distribution networks, ultralow-noise microwave/mm-wave signal generation, photonic analog-to-digital conversion, ranging, imaging and vibration sensing, and timing and synchronization for ultrafast X-ray/electron science and radio astronomy.
Speaker(s): Jungwon
Please register for the talk. There is no fee for this talk.
6:30 – 7:30 PM: Speaker Introduction and Distinguished lecture
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/438066

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