
In-person panel at University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK) campus

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Dear IEEE WiE East TN Members,
We are excited to invite you to an in-person event on October 29 at 5:30 PM at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK) campus, Min Kao Building, Room 622. This event will feature a panel of accomplished female scientists from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and female professors from UTK. Our panelists will share insights into their career trajectories, research, and networking experiences. The audience will also have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions.
We’ll have a selection of delicious food, including pizza, snacks, and non-alcoholic drinks, so feel free to come hungry!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We hope many of you can attend and look forward to a great evening together!
Warm regards,
Olivera Kotevska, PhD
Chair of IEEE Women in Engineering, East Tennessee Chapter
– 5:30–6:00 PM: Networking and food
– 6:00–7:00 PM: Panel discussion with Q&A
Room: 622, Bldg: Min Kao, 1520 Middle Dr, Knoxoville, Tennessee, United States, 37996

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