Women Leaders Panelists Include: – Dr. Sophie Vandebroek (Investor & Ex-CTO Xerox Corp.) – Dr. Amy Duwel (Board member, Transducers Research Foundation and Chief Scientist at STR), – Dr. Susan Feindt (Analog Devices Inc., Fellow) – Dr. Helen Kim (Entrepreneur) Please (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScxooh1zYaCZdRXbU-GTLBOARZvvDK9ZCtm4BqXgRCty2gYMQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0) before 12pm ET 14th Nov 2023. RSVP is necessary for entry Co-sponsored by: IEEE Women in Engineering Boston Chapter & IEEE Solid State Devices and Circuits Boston Chapter Bldg: Building 5, 147 South Bedford Street, Burlington , Massachusetts, United States
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