Following the tradition of each consecutive year, this year in 2023- IEEE Bangladesh Section will organize “IEEE Bangladesh Section Student Branch (SB) Chair’s, Counselors’, WIE SB AG and SB Society Chapter Advisors’ Meet up 2023” on 30th December 2023, Saturday at IICT Room 705, ECE Building, BUET. Student Branch Chairs, student Branch WIE AG Chairs, student Branch Society Chapter Advisors’ and Student Branch Counselors are invited to join the Summit. Specially, we highly emphasize the presence of the Branch Counselor in the event. If you are not available to join, please encourage another Ex-com member (Preferably Vice-Chair, Secretary or Treasurer, but if none of them are available, then any other Ex-com member should be encouraged to register). In case of your Branch’s having no WIE Affinity Group, another female member from your Branch may be requested to register as a future leader. If branch counselor or Society Chapter Advisors’ is not available, please encourage another faculty member to register. Student Branches, Affinity Groups, and Society Chapters are the heart of the section and significant stakeholders for the overall activities, it is necessary to meet up all the leaders of the section to come up in a common platform to share ideas and discuss on successful initiatives that can put a remarkable milestone in the Section’s Portfolio. Keeping the vision, IEEE Bangladesh Section’s Student Branch (SB) Chair’s, Counselors’, WIE SB AG and SB Society Chapter Advisors’ Meet up 2023 is planned as the following: Date: 30th December 2023 Time: 3:00pm- 5:00pm (GMT+6) Venue: IICT Room 705, ECE Building, BUET, West Palashi, Dhaka. To register, simply visit the following links (Deadline: 29th December) Registration Form: We look forward to seeing you at this event. Kind Regards, Professor Dr. M. Moshiul Hoque Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section Speaker(s): M. Saif Islam, IICT Room 705, ECE Building, BUET, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1205
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