
Education Society DEI: “The Superpower of Diversity is Productivity!”

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The IEEE Education Society invites you to a 15 minute webinar on the WHY of Diversity and Inclusion. How does Diversity enhance Productivity? And why does that Productivity require Inclusion? There is plenty of research to support this. Come listen to one volunteer’s experience with a diverse and inclusive team, and why those team members, to this day, say “That was the BEST team I’ve ever been on!” Choose the Registration link, and you’ll receive the link to the 15-minute webinar! Virtual:

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The IEEE Education Society invites you to a 15 minute webinar on the WHY of Diversity and Inclusion. How does Diversity enhance Productivity? And why does that Productivity require Inclusion? There is plenty of research to support this. Come listen to one volunteer’s experience with a diverse and inclusive team, and why those team members, to this day, say “That was the BEST team I’ve ever been on!” Choose the Registration link, and you’ll receive the link to the 15-minute webinar! Virtual:

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