
Code of Ethics for Professional Engineers & Surveyors

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IEEE Toledo is hosting a presentation on “Code of Ethics for Professional Engineers and Surveyors”. Our guest speaker is John Greenhalge, Executive Director of the Ohio Professional Engineers & Surveyors Board. This event is open to members and non-members. 2.0 PDH’s will be awarded to all that attend the entire presentation. This event will be on IEEE Day (October 3rd, 2023). It will be held at the NECA building on Lime City Road (727 Lime City Rd # 100, Rossford, OH 43460) , in the upstairs meeting room. Doors will open at 5:15 PM with dinner being served promptly at 5:30 PM. 2.0 PDH’s will be offered for attending Mr. Greenhalge’s presentation in full. The price is: $50 for dinner and 2 hours ethics presentation (2.0 PDH’s ); $30 for 2 hour ethics presentation (2.0 PDH’s) without dinner. $20 for dinner only with section members – no certificates awarded. This presentation will successfully fulfill the requirement of 2.0 Hours of ethics each biennial renewal period for Professional Engineers. Dinner menu includes: TOSSED SALAD WITH TOMATOES AND CUCUMBERS RANCH & FRENCH DRESSINGS ROLLS AND BUTTER TENDERLOIN TIPS WITH NOODLES GREEN BEANS, YELLO & ORANGE CARROTS BROWNIES COFFEE, ICED TEA CREAM, SUGAR, SWEET & LOW, LEMON WEDGES Speaker(s): John Greenhalge, Agenda: 5:15 PM Doors open to the attendees 5:30 – 6:00 PM Dinner is served. 6:00 – 8:00 PM Ethics Presentation with Q&A by John Greenhalge 8:00 – 8:15 PM Presentation of Certificates Room: Upstairs Meeting Room, Bldg: NECA Building, 727 Lime City Rd, Rossford, Ohio, United States, 43460

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