The Austrian Section Sensor Summit aims to connect engineering students with researchers from industry and academic researchers who work on industry-related projects. This event will take place for the first time and will be sponsored by the IEEE Sensors Council.
The programme consists of talks of 30 to 45 minutes in length with ample time set aside for discussions. The talks cover a wide range of topics and applications such as electrical grid stabilization, brain-machine interfaces, printed electronics, precision sensing, etc. These talks allow the participating students to get to know current research topics in the industry.
Speaker(s): Stoyan Nihtianov, Werner Schöffer, Dietmar Pachinger, Christoph Guger, Michael Heiss, Markus Urban
09:00-09:15 Registration
09:15-09:30 Welcome and Opening
09:30-10:30 Talk 1: Stoyan Nihtianov, “The High-tech World of Lithography”
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:45 Talk 2: Werner Schöffer, "Broadband Measurement in Medium and High-voltage Power Grids – Why and How?"
11:45-12:30 Talk 3: Dietmar Pachinger, "Traceable Air Velocity and Temperature Calibration in a Wind Tunnel"
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-14:15 Talk 4: Christoph Guger, "Current and Future Applications of Brain-Computer Interfaces"
14:15-15:00 Talk 5. Michael Heiss: "Drives as a Virtual Sensor"
15:00-15:45 Talk 6: Markus Urban: "Application of Sensors in Medium Voltage Power Distribution Grids"
15:45-16:00 Closing
After 16:00 Get-to-gether Reception with Finger Food and Drinks
Hilton Vienna Park, Am Stadtpark 1, Vienna, Wien, Austria, 1030

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