Welcome to the 5th Joint Annual Meeting of the IEEE Magnetics Society and IEEE Nanotechnology Council Chicago Chapters, to be held in a hybrid form (in-person plus on Zoom) with in-person venue at Northwestern University on Friday, November 17, 2023. The meeting will provide free breakfast & lunch and face-to-face interaction with the best local Chicago reserachers in Magnetics and Nanotechnology! The meeting will convene local and international academics, professionals and students with broad interests in magnetics and nanotechnology. The meeting will provide a forum for highlighting the latest advances in magnetism, spintronics, nanotechnology, and nanoelectronics, and will provide opportunities to facilitate networking and collaboration. There are no Registration Fees, but registration is required. Zoom link for remote attendees: https://northwestern.zoom.us/j/92191023831?pwd=S0V4bFRrb0xhQWs3NVQwRjdwUmRNZz09 Confirmed Speakers: – Ankit Shukla, UIUC – Yue Cao, Argonne National Laboratory – Zach David Hood, Argonne National Laboratory – Robert Klie, University of Illinois Chicago – Susan Kempinger, North Central college – Mahdi Hosseini, Northwestern University – Nivedita Arora, Northwestern University – Silvia Zorzetti, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory – Susana Cardoso Freitas, INESC Microsystems & Nanotechnologies, Portugal (2023 IEEE Magnetic Society Distinguished Lecturer) – Xiangfeng Duan, UCLA (2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Council Distinguished Lecturer) – Youngjun Ahn, University of Michigan (2023 IEEE Chicago Early Career Award in Magnetics) – Peter Smith, Northwestern University (2023 IEEE Chicago Early Career Award in Nanotechnology) Agenda: Opening remarks 8:55am-9:00am Session 1: Spintronics Susana Cardoso Freitas (IEEE DL) INESC, Portugal 9:00am-9:25am Susan Kempinger North Central College 9:25am-9:50am Ankit Shukla UIUC 9:50am-10:15am coffee break 10:15am-10:30am Session 2: 2D Materials Zach David Hood Argonne 10:30am-10:55am Youngjun Ahn U Mich 10:55am-11:20am Xianfeng Duan (IEEE DL) UCLA 11:20am-11:45am Lunch WIS/WIE 12:15-12:55pm Panelist: Yuepeng Zhang (Argonne), Susan Kempinger (North Central College), Nivedita Arora (Northwestern U), Silvia Zorzetti (Fermi Lab), Zach Hood (Argonne) Session 3: Nanomaterials and orders Robert Klie UIC 1:15pm-1:40pm Nivedita Arora Northwestern U 1:40pm-2:05pm Yue Cao Argonne 2:05pm-2:30pm coffee break 2:30pm-2:45pm Session 4: Quantum information Mahdi Hosseini Northwestern U 2:45pm-3:10pm Silvia Zorzetti Fermi Lab 3:10pm-3:35pm Additional Information about Sponsors of the event: IEEE Magnetics Society ((https://ieeemagnetics.org/)) focus is on all matters involved in the fundamental development, design, and application of magnetic devices, including magnetic materials and phenomena. The society sponsors numerous conferences throughout the year. IEEE Nanotechnology Council ((https://ieeenano.org/)) is a multi-disciplinary group whose purpose is to advance and coordinate work in the field of Nanotechnology carried out throughout the IEEE in scientific, literary and educational areas. The Council supports the theory, design, and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering, and industrial applications. IEEE Nanotechnology Council Young Professionals (https://ieeenano.org/category/young-professionals) is a representative branch of the Young Professionals segment inside the IEEE Nanotechnology Council, with the mission of promoting young professionals for academic success and professional connections. Co-sponsored by: IEEE Chicago NTC Council, IEEE YP NTC Council Room: Room 160, Bldg: O. T. Hogan Biological Sciences Building, , 2205 Tech Drive, Evanston, Illinois, United States, 60208, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/371472
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