
Chairs Message

IEEE WIE Chair’s Message – June 2023

Dear Members, Welcome to our June IEEE WIE newsletter. IEEE WIE International leadership conference (WIE ILC) way forward, more engagement and partnership with IEEE WIE Forum USA East and IEEE WIE magazine, collaboration initiatives with other organizational units, such as TAB (societies), IEEE EAB, IEEE HKN, IEEE HTB, IEEE MOVE, [...]

2023-12-05T08:46:25-05:00June 20, 2023|Chairs Message|

IEEE WIE Chair’s Message – April 2023

Welcome to our April WIE newsletter.  I take great pleasure in introducing Jyothi Ramaswamy, IEEE WIE Treasurer 2023, who is dedicating her time and talent for making WIE impactful. I am also excited to welcome Alicia Tomaszewski , Senior Program Manager, IEEE WIE. A Recap of Important WIE Happenings This [...]

2023-12-05T11:16:04-05:00April 1, 2023|Chairs Message|

IEEE WIE Chair’s Message – February 2023

Dear Members, I welcome you to 2023 with great courage, aspirations, plans, and goals. I feel proud of our enormous efforts to get back to normal overcoming the effects of COVID. It is my honor to be the first IEEE WIE Chair-Elect 2022 elected by the global WIE membership. This election was historical [...]

2023-12-05T11:16:46-05:00February 13, 2023|Chairs Message|
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